Hail ceasar question
Hail ceasar question
Hi, for those with the rulebook - what is the basing system in hail ceaser. What does the unit composition and army composition look like?
Re: Hail ceasar question
Hi There
There is non really
If you and your opponent have same width bases you are sorted
When we started with HC we used DBA bases so in our forces
4 bases arranged 2x2 is a standard unit
6 bases arranged 3x2 is a large unit
2 bases 2x1 is a small unit
1 base is a tiny unit
Our 6mm impetus bases are 80mm x 30 mm and we can still play HC against each other
You thinking of using your WOTR figs
There is non really
If you and your opponent have same width bases you are sorted
When we started with HC we used DBA bases so in our forces
4 bases arranged 2x2 is a standard unit
6 bases arranged 3x2 is a large unit
2 bases 2x1 is a small unit
1 base is a tiny unit
Our 6mm impetus bases are 80mm x 30 mm and we can still play HC against each other
You thinking of using your WOTR figs
Re: Hail ceasar question
Yes mate, looking at options for these figures. Obviously project has far outgrown Lion Rampant so hunting for alternatives. So amount of figs in each unit doesnt matter, just unit width.?
Re: Hail ceasar question
Technically you could have a single fig but it would look a bit odd.
Re: Hail ceasar question
Owt you and opponent want to do
I really like HC
Owt you and opponent want to do
I really like HC
Re: Hail ceasar question
only thing that matters is the width of the units, 80mm for "standard" is good for smaller units, then you have 40mm for "small" and 120mm for "large", with "tiny" on 20mm. Depth is whatever suits - these sizes match what works with DBA bases, no reason a "large" unit couldn't be a pair of 80mm bases though.
the only thing that differs is artillery which from memory is a bit weird anyway and I suspect is "whatever fits" as generally if it ends up in combat its screwed anyway, not a vast amount in HC thankfully