Forum Rules

If you require any information on stock, prices, pre-orders or anything else, please post them here
Site Admin
Posts: 5
Joined: Tue Mar 24, 2020 1:32 pm

Forum Rules

Post by admin »

Please note this forum is for the Janco Toys gaming club, this club is open to a wide range of ages and it is requested that members keep this in mind when posting and moderate their language accordingly, there is a naughty word filter on this site which will be expanded as required - your posts will make a lot more sense if you keep the language clean and avoid automatic censorship.

Abusive posts may be removed without notice and warnings will be issued to repeat offenders.

It is also requested that posters keep in mind the link to the shop and be respectful of this when thinking of posting links to alternative sites - please don't post links to other shops for stuff that Janco's carries.

Many thanks
